
Showing posts with the label fotografía

Solo exhibition in the International Cervantino Festival in Guanajuato. 2018

Hello I'm reaching out to greet you and cordially invite you to visit some Michoacan landscapes and other places in our beautiful country as part of the International Cervantino Festival in Guanajuato.  Festival Internacional Cervantino You can visit the exhibition throughout the Festival's schedule from October 10th to 28th, 2018. We are preparing it with much love, and I hope it will be to your liking. Thank you for your time, and have an excellent weekend. René images: Press:

The girl and the Turntable

Ivonne Laura Poly Paty "The body always seems impressive and beautiful to me, but in its female version, it appears even more like a connection to my own duality. I think my masculine and feminine sides are more present.  I started taking life drawing classes when I entered the academy at the age of twenty. Since then, I have been fascinated by the human body, with a preference for the female form. Being an audiophile juror, I am the custodian of a discreet collection of vinyl music that is constantly growing.  At some point, I will make a post about how much audio and music have to do with my life and artistic work.  My appreciation for high-resolution audio comes from a very early age, perhaps from the age of 6 when I visited my aunt and uncle constantly on my mother's side.  My babysitters were the turntable, speakers, and a gigantic collection of rock music; The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin... Many more... It's not really music from

The Coast Guy 2015

The Coast Guy 2015 Tuxpan, Veracruz. First day of 2015 After visiting El Tajín, I stayed on the coast of Tuxpan and met this friendly fruit vendor with his extraordinary motorcycle. After striking up a conversation, his bike got stuck, and with the help of the locals and me, we managed to get it running again. It was a lovely start to the year. The beach, as always, is one of the best settings for reflection...

Day of the dead

Michoacán, a place where everything is born... Even in death, it finds rebirth. This unforgettable lady is one of the images that have lingered in my heart the most, and one of the first images I can proudly say I captured. This took place on November 2nd, in the year 2000. The lady and I spoke for quite a while outside an ancient temple in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán: El Sagrario, founded by Vasco de Quiroga in 1540. In this grandmother, I see a representation of our heritage and our connection to ancient divinities and wisdom. The beauty of her wrinkles makes me envision the poetry of life's journey.