Inclusion of New Works in the Mexican museums Catalog

Inclusion of New Works in the Mexican museums Catalog: "The division bell" Mixed media / Paper. 61X46 cms "Amy and the Criminals" Mixed/Canvas 107 X 81 cms Acquired by Tax Administration Service in CDMX, MX Catalog: 0867_2021 Inclusion of New Works in the Federal Catalog A series of my recent works has recently been added to the Mexican's federal catalog, a development that brings me immense satisfaction and, above all, I perceive it as a "magical honor." For me, this achievement acts as a sort of "time machine." The inclusion of these works in the national catalog not only gratifies me but also ensures traceability and easy access in the distant future. With advancements in search technologies, it's conceivable that a descendant, perhaps in the year 2935, could stumble upon my ideas and my unique representation of the present. This notion of art transcending time, allowing us to connect with the truths of people in other eras, l...