
Dance in the Forest. Painting Series. JULY 2019

Dance in the forest series is a Painting work commissioned by a real state and a parallel experimentation in my own studio. (VIDEO PROCESS IN THE BOTTOM) This building is located near the forest so the inspiration for this artwork became obvious… I started to think about a dance in the forest with butterflies, trees, flowers… So i decided to ask my ballerinas friends to work with me in this commission. My painting work has been inspired by time, textures, music and calligraphy, for this time i decided to work with human skins. This was not the first time… This is an old technique that began in 1958 and now I add my own recipe… When the surface area is ready with the skin textures I start my personal signature recipe with a calligraphy process as a new dialogue with the printed forms. This new layer is covered with a painting work inspired by the textures, forms, time, skin and after all: music.

Interview extract in 2018

It's been a while since I had forgotten about this, but I definitely take pleasure in keeping a journal so that it remains lost in the digital future—my thoughts and the trail continue to be tracked, at least as long as technology exists to read these things. After 2015, I spend my days working for Knotion, a company that produces educational content in digital format. Just last month, Eduardo Perez Arroyo conducted a very nice interview with me for the digital magazine e-knotion, where I talked a bit about my past. I'm copying it into this blog. Thank you Lalo Perez , Thank  Knotion. Eduardo Perez Arroyo: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::