Punk Baroque *PBLTG0721 (The Three Graces) 250X150cms mix/canvas. 2021

Punk Baroque *PBLTG0721 (The Three Graces) 250X150cms mix/canvas. 2021


I was raised in a religious tradition, then a fascination for the ancient religious iconography was so obvious.

Since young, far from being interested in the Sunday liturgy mass, my gaze was focused on those painful madonnas of European origins, the Mexican baroque, its exaggeration in the images, the omnipresent figure of the Virgin of Guadalupe but also the rituals from the indigenous traditions.

Later I lived and studied in central Europe for 5 years.

I was so obsessed with the Medieval cathedrals, the art of “Fin de siècle,“ the icons and the ancient jewelry but also the popular culture, the mix from the different cultures, races and different music styles in those cosmopolitan cities.

At first glance it may seem opposite but if we see this mix of processes with the eyes of dialectic maybe we can find a kind of a synthesis, maybe a mix between Pink Floyd,  J. S. Bach with Cumbias.

In this research I start to incorporate as a support some  kind of an “academic” style of drawing, with subjects inspired from different periods of the art history. 

Then I start a dialogue with these sources to be mixed with contemporary

Once this “first layer” is finished, mainly made of graphite, I use it as a “surface” of the canvas to add the grooves of vinyl records and my Self-created calligraphy work, a kind of glossolalia.

The Three Graces:

This painting is related to the work of Raphael which in turn is inspired by the mythological theme of the Cárites.

In Greek mythology, a Charis or Grace is one of three or more goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, goodwill, and fertility, together known as the Charities or Graces. The usual roster, as given in Hesiod, is Aglaea ("Shining"), Euphrosyne ("Joy"), and Thalia ("Blooming").

In my version i mix bodies and faces from six different artists.

The portraits:

- Nina Simone. Photo by Barrie Wentzell.



- Virginia Woolf . Photo by Central Press, Hulton archive.



- Frida Kahlo. Photo by Nickolas Muray.



The bodies:

a) Le couronnement de la Vierge by Peter Paul Rubens



b) The virgin of the host by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres



c) Our Lady of Guadalupe by Marcos Cipac de Aquino.



 Guillermo von der Schulenburg Prado, often referred to simply as Guillermo Schulenburg (June 12, 1916 – July 19, 2009), was the abbot of the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City from 1963 to 1996.

The abbot of the Basilica of Guadalupe, Father Guillermo Schulenberg had sent a letter to the Vatican's Congregation for the Cause of Saints disputing whether Blessed Juan Diego ever existed and objecting to plans for canonization:


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