The waranty of BOSE is a SCAM !!!

The warranty of BOSE is a SCAM !!! 

On August 5.  1999
I bought some BOSE brand headphones, Model Bose 774373-0010 SoundSport Free.
The price was 268 US Dollars

After a year the battery life was reduced to 48 minutes. After asking about a battery replacement with a local supplier, I was informed that Bose DOES NOT sell spare parts to third parties.

My contacts informed me that they do this to force you to do the repair with them but it was NOT recommended.

Because Bose has a very bad reputation for its customer service and even asks you for more money and in the end you end up paying a higher price than your first purchase, that is, you pay double.
I kept the headphones for a couple of years and finally in 2023 I decided to test if this bad reputation of Bose was true.

The BOSE bad reputation is true.

On September 14, 2023
I received an email to start the "Change" process.
In this process they asked me to send them my old headphones and make a payment of 166 US Dollars.

On September 19, 2023 they received my additional payment

On September 27, 2023 They received my old headphones.

So the said they will send me a new headphones model.
After waiting for two months I did NOT receive my headphones,.

On November 1, 2023, a series of emails began asking
for my product and they only responded to me to wait more.
On November 6, 2023
They said that they will send me the 2022 model: Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II

According to the link information in the BOSE email the price of this model is: 199 US Dollars

SO the historic real price of this process is:

My originals headphones price what did I pay: 268 US Dollars
My old headphones that Bose asked to keep. and what I sent
Bose new charges for replacement what did I pay:  166 US Dollars.

= 434 USDollars

What would they send me: 
2022 model: Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II of: 199 US Dollars !!!!

Not even the half of what i paid for in 1999 !!!!

I began to communicate via Twitter with @bose but they excused themselves with the pretext that I had to fix it with the local Bose.
Even local BOSE lied to them arguing that they never asked for extra money.

On November 7, 2023, I received an email in which they argued that it was "my option" to pay that money and "my option" to wait so long.

The same day I asked for a refund of my money and my old  headphones .

Friday 10 November 2023 

The QuietComfort Earbuds II headphones arrived at home...

So I guess they're not going to send my money back 
and I have to keep those $199 headphones versus the $434 I spent.

Thank you Bose for this fake service quality. 


Lila Snyder. #LilaSnyder

Jim Scammon. #JimScammon

Bob Maresca. #BobMaresca


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