
Showing posts with the label a momentary lapse of reason

A new Time Machine !!

A momentary lapse of reason.  2015  SOLD.   Mixed media/Canvas 150X120cms  Journey to the Future For centuries, human beings have harbored the imagination and dreams of time travel. Various authors in literature and, notably, in cinema have woven tales of machines capable of transporting individuals to chosen dates in time. One such intriguing concept emerged from the Vatican, described by Father François Brune in his book "Le nouveau mystère du Vatican." According to him, a machine named "The Chronovisor" utilized electromagnetic radiation for time travel. Today, humanity has progressed beyond viewing comets as omens of disaster, understanding them as celestial bodies. Yet, we must not dismiss ancient civilizations that lacked knowledge of planets and gravitational movements. There were even ancient texts considered as "books written by the devil," predicting the future along the corridors of time. However, time travel is not confined to the realms of im